Athletics Logos

The official Intercollegiate Athletics logos, Bengal mascot, and any associated marks are trademarked symbols. Only official logos and logotypes bearing the trademark symbol are to be used on merchandise such as T-shirts, coffee mugs, or other products. This applies to products purchased by Buffalo State College or by any auxiliary or ancillary organization of the college, whether those products are produced for use by the college or for retail sale. Buffalo State faculty and staff wishing to order merchandise must use licensed vendors.

Working with Vendors

Please work with the Finance and Management Office, which oversees trademark and licensing, to ensure that you are working with a licensed vendor. Procurement Services will help you secure pricing, vendors, and purchase orders.

Finance and Management Office
Procurement Services Office

Tips on Vendor Orders

Do not initiate orders without following these steps; purchases may not be approved. 

Do not use crest marks or logos with the trademark symbol for print or web publishing.